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Ways to Lower Blood Pressure 혈압을 낮추는 방법 Ways to Lower Blood Pressure High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a common health issue among adults. If left uncontrolled, it can lead to serious health problems such as heart disease and stroke. Fortunately, there are several ways to lower blood pressure. 1. Maintain a healthy weight through diet and exercise 2. Reduce sodium intake by limiting processed foods and adding less salt to meals.. 2023. 4. 19.
5 Things You Should Never Do After a Meal- 식사 후 절대 하지 말아야 할 5가지 사항 https://youtube.com/shorts/yLASblLDbRI?feature=share - YouTube www.youtube.com 5 Things You Should Never Do After a Meal 식사 후 절대 하지 말아야 할 5가지 사항 1. Don't Smoke: Smoking is one of the worst things you can do after a meal. Not only does it cause harm to your lungs, but it also affects your digestive system, making it difficult to absorb nutrients from food. 2. Don't Sleep: Sleeping after a meal ca.. 2023. 4. 19.
How to Manage Joint Health to Prevent Arthritis 관절염 예방을 위한 관절 건강 관리 방법 @How to Manage Joint Health to Prevent Arthritis 관절염 예방을 위한 관절 건강 관리 방법 Arthritis is a common condition that affects the joints and can cause pain, stiffness, and swelling. Fortunately, there are many ways to manage joint health and prevent arthritis. 1. Exercise regularly: Exercise helps to strengthen the muscles around the joints, which can help to reduce the risk of arthritis. Choose low-impa.. 2023. 4. 18.
@Foods and Nutrients Beneficial for Arthritis @Foods and Nutrients Beneficial for Arthritis Arthritis is a chronic condition that causes inflammation and pain in the joints. While there is no specific diet that can cure arthritis, there are certain foods and nutrients that may help reduce inflammation and alleviate symptoms. Some of the foods that are good for arthritis include: - Fatty fish: Fish like salmon, tuna, and mackerel are rich in.. 2023. 4. 18.