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Foods to Avoid Eating on an Empty Stomach공복에 먹는 것을 피하는 음식

by 1분전.. 2023. 4. 22.

Foods to Avoid Eating on an Empty Stomach공복에 먹는 것을 피하는 음식


Certain foods may cause digestive issues and discomfort when consumed on an empty stomach. Here are some foods you should avoid eating before having a meal:

Eating on an empty stomach can cause digestive problems, and certain foods can make it worse. Here are some foods and ingredients you should avoid:


1. Spicy foods - Eating spicy foods on an empty stomach can cause heartburn, indigestion, and stomach pain.


2. Citrus fruits - The high acidity in citrus fruits can irritate the stomach lining when consumed on an empty stomach.


3. Carbonated drinks - Carbonated drinks can cause bloating and gas when consumed on an empty stomach.


4. Coffee - Drinking coffee on an empty stomach can cause acidity and heartburn.


5. Alcohol - Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach can increase the absorption rate, leading to faster intoxication and potential liver damage.


6. Sugary foods - Consuming sugary foods on an empty stomach can cause a sudden spike in blood sugar levels, leading to fatigue and dizziness.

Sugary Foods: Eating sugary foods on an empty stomach can cause a rapid spike in blood sugar levels, which can lead to fatigue and a sugar crash.


7. Fried Foods: Fried foods can be hard to digest, especially on an empty stomach. They can also cause heartburn and acid reflux.

