@Food ingredients that are good to eat when you have cramps in your arms and legs 팔 다리에 쥐 날때 먹으면 좋은 음식 성분 효능
Many people are worried if they get cramps in their arms or legs. If so, it is necessary to find out if there are any food ingredients that relieve these symptoms.
1. Calcium: Lack of calcium reduces muscle contraction ability, which increases the chance of cramping. It is abundant in dairy products such as milk, yogurt, tofu, and cheese, seawater fish, figs, pumpkins, etc.
2. Vitamin D: Vitamin D, which works with calcium, maintains muscle function and is also effective in preventing mice. When exposed to sunlight, it is produced in the body, but it is also included in fish, yogurt, and egg yolk.
3. Magnesium: Magnesium is essential for controlling muscle contraction. Also, it has the effect of calming nerves, so it is good for relieving stress. It is contained in green leaf vegetables, nuts, sweet potatoes, peaches, avocados, etc.
4. Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 plays an important role in nerve control. Since it is not produced in the body, it can be consumed from animal foods such as meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products.
5. Tryptophan: Tryptophan stimulates the production of brain hormones such as serotonin and melatonin, and helps maintain a stable psychological state. It is contained in bananas, black beans, chicken, etc.
If you consistently consume foods containing these food ingredients when you have cramps in your arms and legs, it can maintain muscle contraction and nerve function and help prevent rats. However, if the symptoms persist, you should consult a doctor.